
  1. Click the Project settings button to access the project management page.

  1. You can click the Edit button to update the information below.


A. Name

  • Project name

B. Description

  • Project description

C. Target Protein

  • Project target protein.

  • The leader of this project has the authority to activate or deactivate the project's bench protein.


  • You can enter the target IC50/EC50 value.

  • Both the unit and the value can be adjusted.

  1. Go to the Project Member tab to invite or delete members.

You can invite or remove members from the project.

To invite members:

  1. Click Invite members.

  2. Enter the email address in the input field.

  1. Click Add to invite members.

  2. Set member role.

  1. Click Invite.

Only Lab Space members can be invited to participate in the project. If you want to invite someone who is not in Lab Space, please invite them to Lab Space first.

To remove members:

  1. Click Remove in the Settings column.

  2. Click Done to remove members from the Project.

Last updated