In-house Library

You can register your in-house compound library in Hyper Lab.

An in-house library is managed on a Lab space scale.

Only the Lab space owner and admin role can register, manage, or delete an in-house library.

1. Accessing page

  1. From your Lab space page, click the In-house library tab from the left panel.

  1. From the Hyper Screening page, click the Manage In-house library icon.

2. Library registration

  1. Click the + Upload In-house library icon.

  1. Click the icon in the figure below to open a file, or drag the library file to the icon.

The input library file should be in either SDF or CSV file format.

In CSV format, each molecule must have a Name and Structure information.

At least one alphabet character must be included in the molecule name.

The molecule structure information must be given in a SMILES format.

  1. Set the appropriate variables as molecule name and structure.

  1. Set the library name, tag, and description to finish uploading.

An error will occur if you set the library tag with a keyword already existing in other libraries.

  1. Once done, you can see your in-house library on the In-house library page.

Your in-house library will also be visible on the Hyper Screening page.

3. Library management

Click on the icon in the figure below to go to the library management page.

Here, you can change the in-house library's name, tag, and description.

If there are omitted molecules in the library, a Download registration failure file icon will be visible. Click the icon to download a CSV file containing the molecule name, molecule structure, and the cause of registration failure.

4. Library deletion

  1. Go to the library management page.

  1. Click the Delete library button.

  1. A reaffirmation message box will appear. Type the library name to confirm.

Last updated