2024-06-28 Release Note

The update for Hyper Lab on June 28, 2024, has been completed.

Hyper Lab Version : 2024.06.28


1. Improvement in Hyper Design Fragment Selection Range

In Hyper Design, when performing a Replace, the selection range for fragments has been improved. It was previously possible to select only one fragment for multiple fused rings, but now it is also possible to perform this selection on each individual ring within the multiple fused rings.

2. Changes Made to Enable Activation Protein Structures for Each Bench

(1) Changes in active protein structures on the Protein Structure page

On the Protein Structure page, modifications have been made to enable the activation of different protein structures for My bench and Project bench respectively. You can freely change the active protein structures for each Bench using the ‘Active’ and ‘Inactive’ buttons located in the Project bench and My bench columns of the protein structure list table.

While the active protein structure for My bench can be freely changed, the active protein structure for Project bench can only be modified by users with roles of 'Project Manager' or higher within the respective project.

(2) Improved the ability to directly change the active protein structure in the Bench

The interface for changing the active protein structure within each Bench has been improved. Now, directly from the top right corner of each Bench screen, users can easily switch the current active protein structure without needing to navigate to the Protein Structure page.

Deactivating an active protein structure, adding new protein structures, or activating a protein structure in a Bench without an active protein can still be performed through the Protein Structure page as before.

3. Improved Alignment of 2D Structure

In Hyper Design, the 2D structures that do not change before and after the design process has been improved to maintain consistent orientation.

4. Change of Atom Colors in 2D Structures to 'Black'

The display method for 2D structures has been modified from using unique atom colors to a uniform application of black (Black) for all atoms. However, the 2D molecular structures displayed within the 3D Viewer will continue to be shown in their unique atom colors, as before.

5. Addition of Data Type Conversion Feature in Custom Fields

Improvements have been made to allow data type changes from [Text type field] to [Tag type field] in My bench and Project bench, which was not previously supported. When converting from text type to tag type, the existing text will be split into individual tags based on commas ','.

6. Change in the Method of Adding Protein Structures

The process and role-specific permissions for adding protein structures have been updated.

(1) Options to select Receptor and Binding site tabs added when adding new protein structures

When adding a new protein structure, the following options have been added to select the Receptor and Binding site. The information displayed may vary depending on the protein structure being added.

[Receptor Tab]

  • RNA : The RNA sequences included in the loaded 3D structure. If the RNA sequence is not included in the 3D structure, no information will be shown.

[Binding site Tab]

  • Protein residues : Protein sequence amino acids are represented as <chain>-<residue name>-<residue number>.

  • DNA residues : DNA sequence bases are represented as <chain>-<residue name>-<residue number>.

  • RNA residues : RNA sequence bases are represented as <chain>-<residue name>-<residue number>.

(2) Changes to Role-specific permissions for adding and modifying protein structures

The permissions for adding new protein structures and modifying existing protein structure information, which were previously limited to roles of 'Project Manager' and above, have now been extended to allow general project members to perform these tasks.

However, the deletion of added protein structures and changes to the active protein structure in the Project Bench remain restricted to roles of 'Project Manager' and above.

7. Improvement to Hyper Design Molecule Card Information

The display of 'AI' information on molecule cards generated by Hyper Design results within the hierarchy has been improved. Instead of the generic 'AI' label, the cards now specifically indicate whether the molecule was created by a 'Replace' or 'Add' Hyper Design calculation.

Going forward, this update allows users to intuitively distinguish between molecules created by Replace and those created by Add directly in the Hyper Design hierarchy, enhancing the usability and clarity of the design process.

Bug fix

Bug fixes and stability improvements have been made.

Last updated